Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cheap eating yet having some goodies.

$100 for 2 weeks of food for 3 people +2 rental kids.

I thought it would be a good idea to write down my grocery list and things I buy to feed my family for 2 weeks (Including the weekend when we have 10 and 11 year old here, who eat like there is no tomorrow)
So I do my grocery shopping in Aldi, just because everything is cheaper there. I found ALDI little bit more than a year ago and I'm loving it. The savings are great, I can even say we get about double the food.

The story behind is that we eat home most of the time. There are days when my hubby picks up subs for us or an occasional Chinese food night, but that's about it. Most of the time, I make the food at home.

So here is the list:
Easy melt cheese  (Good for 2-3 meals)
Pretzels (For the kiddos when they are here, one pack lasts about 1,5 months) aka SPLURGE!
24 eggs
2 packs of sliced cheese (Baby loves it and Mister Hubby eats it)
4 pack of regular cheese (On sale for $1.49, will get shredded, good for 8 meals for sure)
1 lunch meat -Turkey ham
2 boxes of butter
2 bags of tortilla chips
1 big can of coffee (it's $5.49 and we consume a lot of coffee, about 3 pots per day if not more)
4 cans of knock off Rotell (.59 cents each)
2 cans of mushrooms
3 cans of sweet peas (Baby loves peas)
4 cans of tomato sauce (.59 cents each)
3 x 5 lbs of flour
2 x 5 lbs of sugar
Brown sugar for baking
Garlic salt, cinnamon (they are .99 cents each)
2 boxes of Penne pasta
1 (big) box of spaghetti
1 big jar of pasta sauce
2 jars of alfredo pasta sauce (Mister Hubby loves it)
5 lbs of rice
10 lbs of potatoes
6 bell peppers (On sale for .99 cents for 3)
2 boxes of meat ($4 each, good for 4 meals)
2 x 5 lbs of ground beef (good for 6 dinners)
6 tomatoes
2 cucumbers (Tomatoes and cucumbers are for me)
Kiwi fruits and pineapple (for the baby and maybe some for me)
Cottage cheese. (for me)

We also bought some things that are not considered groceries: toilet paper, paper towels, dish washing soap, vinegar, baking soda (last two for cleaning), trash bags, diapers, candy for kiddos, few reusable bags and plastic bags (We use these bigger ALDI bags for trash bags in our office trashcans.)

I calculated and we spent on food like $100.

This food is going to last us for 2 weeks for sure. There are also few items I already had in my pantry that are going to be used. Like tortillas, cereal, oatmeal, canned beans, chilli, tomato sauce and paste, yeast, oil, canned corn and other essentials everybody have. Nothing fancy.

Here is the menu for 2 weeks.

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