Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sweet deal

The other day people next door to us had a garage sale. I went and bought about 20 bucks worth of stuff, knick-knacks I totally don't need, but what I want to talk about is the $1 sweet deal I got.

I bought a desk, i think its called a secretary or a roll top, anyways it's silly sweet. It does have a broken leg I need to doctor it up and it needs a face lift but that's what I love. Here is a picture of it.
broken leg on the side, but there is nothing liquid nails, few screws and a lot of willpower can't do. 
I loooooooove it so much, I have no idea where to put it, but i will find a spot. I will keep you updated of her leg surgery and face lift.

Here is a picture of a desk and chair I got for Ruby. She is way too young for it, but the deal way way too good. They had it priced at $50 on a Saturday, $25 on a Sunday and they were ready to close up their garage sale, so I got this for 12 dollars. I love it.
I will probably make it little more girly for her. But I have time for that. BTW, the top comes off and you can turn it around and stand it up, there is a blackboard on the other side. And a drawer underneath.

Ou I love a good deal...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I scored a china hutch!!!

After looking around for a china hutch I finally found one.
I thought I would spend max of $50 on it, so I was looking and looking but nothing caught my eye. So the other day I was on Craigslist again and found one, I had Mister Hubby call the dude and he wanted $30 on it. It wasn't that good and th dude was a little weird, plus he had a weird day- didn't feel like driving to get it. So we had to pass on it. I was crushed, until the next day.

I found one listed, e-mailed the guy to ask the price and it was FREE!!
I had Mister Hubby come home from work and take me there to pick it up. Awesome, it needs some work, but was free!

I have been working on it a little. Cut my finger open today when we tried to take it inside. Mental note: Don't put your fingers everywhere. And wearing a white dress when you have a 8 month old and a split open finger- BAD IDEA!

The top part of the china hutch aka hutch. LOL

This bandaid lasted for about 15 min...

Chalkboard paint goes a loooong way

So wondering around my favorite site, Pinterest, I have seen so many things I want to do. So after the move I was just going over the plans in my head, looking what I have to decorate my home and stumbled on some leftover paint.
So I have (well, Mister Hubby has) these ugly pictures (some ex had bought), they were in our livingrooms for the longest time. I have never liked them, but just not to have the wall totally bare, I have hung them, just to fill the space, no more.
Thanks to Ruby going to sleep early, leftover paint sitting in the corner and a lot of hate towards the ugliness of the pictures I now have these fabulous chalkboards for my dining area.
This is the picture of one of them before.(I had one huge one, 2 smaller ones and one other odd picture)
Meet the ugliness

Now in the other hand I have kick ass chalkboards in the dining area. Here are few pictures Mister Hubby took while I was already writing this. Its almost midnight to the lights are not that kick a$$. Sowwy....

 I also made one for us that has white paint on that says: "I love you because..." We change the because part there every day! It's awesome, makes you fall in love over and over. 

Mister Hubby stole it the other day and hid it for me to is what I found. 

*no babies were harmed while taking this picture, not even her body doubles and other stunt babies* 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dining table

Meet my awesome dining table who is all alone in the dining room because no good mates (chairs) have come along.
I think this table looks awesome, and it's just what I wanted.
Here is a picture what it looked like before
And half way done

COST: $0
Got the table for free off Craigslist, I had the chalkboard paint that is on the top and the white paint was in the garage. I just love things like that.
Mission "HOME" money left: $1000.00

I will post the picture of the table all the way done when I post my whole dining room. At the moment it is covered with about 20 lbs of candy my parents sent us from the great motherland!

Mission "HOME"

So getting this house was great for us, we love it here. Our landlord is AWESOME! The area we live in is safe and quiet. Our yard is HUGE! Everything is so much better than in the old house where we had a landlord who didn't give a ****, crooked walls, oven and stove that was older than I am, constant problems with noise (we lived across the street from a public park), bug problems...just a lot of BS.

So when I contacted our landlord now, I was little late, she had rented the house out, wanted us to live here and the person who was supposed to move in could not and she gave us a call, here we were coming to see the house and before I stepped into the house I knew I wanted to live here.
I wanted something i feel good about, something that is good for Ruby to make memories in, to know the best hiding places and for us to live in love and harmony. Usually, looking at a house takes people 15 minutes- we spent about hour and a half in the house, looking around and talking to the landlord. And we got it. Super happy about it.

Our landlord is the nicest lady in the world. I love her so much, she is the kind of landlord I wish every renter would have. She is welcomed in our house anytime (and good part is, she love to come and see us too)

Anyway, we got the house. It's perfect but needs work to become a HOME. So I was talking to my dear Mister Hubby and decided to see can I decorate, buy furniture and make everything the way I like with a limited budget. I thought, well, we have a 1450 sq, ft house and limited amount of furniture so $1000 could be a good budget. Of course I am not going to do it all in once. To save money, everything will take little longer than for the people who want it (have the money) and get it.

So here is the list of things I want:
Dining room table and 4 chairs, china hutch and decor.
Organized kitchen and pantry
Gray colored living room with play area for Ruby
Drop dead gorgeous master bedroom that fits the baby.
Awesome master bathroom
Texas themed kids/guest bathroom
2nd bedroom for guest room/ kids (teens) room

And soooo many other things.
A good thing to know is that, furniture we own are: a coffee table, end table, few desks for your computers, a couch, mattress and few other things.
Nothing fancy... but Now I will make it sooooo fancy it's going to make me mad!

Welcome to AWESOMETOWN!!!!

I totally forgot...

So I have been thinking every night I will write something. Then, I change my mind and think...I will do it when everything is done.
So here I am, blushing a little, yet super motivated to start this thing.

So as you know we moved. With a 5 month old... Let me say X-games has nothing. It was extreme, yet I prepared myself for worse but we made it happen. We are in our new house and we LOVE IT HERE!
Here are some picture of our move (Also considered BEFORE pictures)

Little helper

Mister Hubby in his office. 

Little helper got tired and her crib was just unloaded so she got to do some free range tent-less camping style sleeping. 

Dining area 

Master bathroom
