Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chalkboard paint goes a loooong way

So wondering around my favorite site, Pinterest, I have seen so many things I want to do. So after the move I was just going over the plans in my head, looking what I have to decorate my home and stumbled on some leftover paint.
So I have (well, Mister Hubby has) these ugly pictures (some ex had bought), they were in our livingrooms for the longest time. I have never liked them, but just not to have the wall totally bare, I have hung them, just to fill the space, no more.
Thanks to Ruby going to sleep early, leftover paint sitting in the corner and a lot of hate towards the ugliness of the pictures I now have these fabulous chalkboards for my dining area.
This is the picture of one of them before.(I had one huge one, 2 smaller ones and one other odd picture)
Meet the ugliness

Now in the other hand I have kick ass chalkboards in the dining area. Here are few pictures Mister Hubby took while I was already writing this. Its almost midnight to the lights are not that kick a$$. Sowwy....

 I also made one for us that has white paint on that says: "I love you because..." We change the because part there every day! It's awesome, makes you fall in love over and over. 

Mister Hubby stole it the other day and hid it for me to find...here is what I found. 

*no babies were harmed while taking this picture, not even her body doubles and other stunt babies* 

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