Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I scored a china hutch!!!

After looking around for a china hutch I finally found one.
I thought I would spend max of $50 on it, so I was looking and looking but nothing caught my eye. So the other day I was on Craigslist again and found one, I had Mister Hubby call the dude and he wanted $30 on it. It wasn't that good and th dude was a little weird, plus he had a weird day- didn't feel like driving to get it. So we had to pass on it. I was crushed, until the next day.

I found one listed, e-mailed the guy to ask the price and it was FREE!!
I had Mister Hubby come home from work and take me there to pick it up. Awesome, it needs some work, but hey...it was free!

I have been working on it a little. Cut my finger open today when we tried to take it inside. Mental note: Don't put your fingers everywhere. And wearing a white dress when you have a 8 month old and a split open finger- BAD IDEA!

The top part of the china hutch aka hutch. LOL

This bandaid lasted for about 15 min...

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