Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life on the fast(baby)lane

I have been away. Just because Ruby is about to start walking aka she is all over the place. I am on the run all the time because she is certain when I say NO! it means GO! Also, I am sure she thinks mommy had an affair with Spiderman or something- see, she climbs wall like nobody's business.

The second reason is our internet, sometimes I feel like I have dial up from 1991. It just didn't want to work, so today after cable guy spent 3 hours here it's finally working like it should.

Since my last posting I have finished couple other projects. I made a tray about of a old cabinet door, crochet a octopus for Ruby, finished half of he hallway stencil project and planned 12424 other things I want to do. Also, I have been working hard on my small company. I have a t-shirt company and I am working on few new items (collections) to put out. Being a "one woman band" is not the easiest.  Plus, last weekend our 2 rental kids were here. for some reason they find their way to me when they are bored. So I was teaching my big girl how to crochet and the boy how to draft (make plans) for items he wants to build. We, me and Mr. Hubby worked really hard to get them to play outside for a little bit. Noup, didn't work until we went out with them and played football (I am the best wide receiver)  and soccer. What is with kids now days??? it's like they are afraid of fresh air.

So this would be the place where I enter a witty joke or something but to be honest, I am waaaay to tired for it. And all I see is more work that needs to get done. So I'll get to Photoshoping and working on cool items.

BTW, anybody have any tips how to write or where to start writing a design patent???

Until the next post and virtual high fives,

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