Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One project at a time

I simply cant do it. I have about 8 going on now, plus my little Ruby refuses to sleep. She usually goes to bed at 8, past week she just won't and wakes up every hour or so just imagine what I look like, Miss Universe, cause im up with her and when she naps I have 123433 other things to do. So, i look like a panda bear with a hangover.

So, I have been working on my china hutch, the bottom is ready and has few things in it already. I'm thrilled to have more storage aka more things to organize! 

I started and actually finished a side project, a HOME sign for the dining area. Cost of making it was again, big fat zero. I used old cardboard (there are still few moving boxes in our garage) ugly blue superfat yarn and 97 cent black spray paint I had. 

Mommy's little helper

E as eager to get it done! Closeup on the prepainted letters. 

I couldn't wait so I painted the H before the others. Looks awesome. Hope it looks awesome when it's up on the wall... *fingers crossed*

I also started on another project I should have waited on. So, the other day at HD I kinda found my way to discounted things (paints and mistinted things) (btw, found my way- hahahaha!) I saw this Martha Steward Specialty paint on sale. Small jar, usually 7 bucks discounted for $1.30. I had seen it before too, it was 3 bucks or something then. So a dollar for a paint I could not pass it by. I thought I will find a project I can use this for. I got 4 jars. So here is the project I started, using this paint

It is pretty awesome because it gives texture, i love it. Of course Mister Hubby thinks that its very 70's but....ou well! I love this, my trip to Egypt about 5 years ago has a big influence on it. I love all the rugs, clay structures, caves carved into temples, big and grand things. Might be that I lived there in my past life???
Anyways, I am trying to get this done as soon as I can. But my time is very limited on it and considering Ruby's sleeping pattern now, I think I might get it done by September 2045.

I made a stencil out of old cardboard, drew it n the walls and went over it with paint. I do have a oopsi-poo-poo there too, but it doesn't show.  I did find out that out doorway is crooked there, that's why my pattern is a little Pisa leaning towerish... ou well, can't do everything perfect right???

I started thinking about the stencil thing and I was pricing them out online, they were way out of my price range so I thought, why not use plastic place mat? Print out the design you want, tape it to the back of the place mat use your skills with a sharp knife and VOILA!!! I think I just earned a high five from myself. 
I will try it and let you know does it work. 

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