Sunday, November 11, 2012


Here is recipe for the cheapo-fast meal called Eestilaadas.(aka. I ducked up the enchiladas I wanted to make and made this, since then we love it.)

You need: 

1 lbs of ground beef 
2 cans of rotell
1/2 lbs of cheese 
10 tortillas
Oil, salt, pepper

1. Fry ground beef (add salt and pepper to your taste)
2. Add 2 cans of Rotell, mix in, turn heat to low, let simmer for a bit. 
3. Shred your cheese. (It's cheaper than buying shredded cheese)
4. Take a casserole dish, add oil to the bottom. 
5. Lay 8 tortillas in the dish like shown on the picture. 
6. Add Ground beef-Rotell mix. 
7. Sprinkle cheese on top. 
8. Wrap those babies, add 2 tortillas flat on top. 
9. Put them in the oven at 350 F for 20 min. 
10. Feel proud! Clean up! 
11. After the 20 minute mark annoying peeping, take them out. 
12. Plate your food, add sour cream on the side and enjoy. 

Cost: Ground beef $2.50
         Rotell (knock off) 2 x $0.59 = $1.18
         Cheese 1.49 / 2 = $0.745
         Tortillas 1.49 for 20. $1.49 / 2 = $0.745
Total:  $5.17
Feeds 4 people, 2 each. 

Toy chest face lift.

As I mentioned few days ago I found a great old toy chest-bench combo for $15. I bought it online and had Mister Hubby pick it up.
After I was done with Little Miss Ruby's recliner-chair I started working on the toy chest.
Few pictures of before and after.
Little Helper, as always! 

Water damage 

Mommy, is that mine??? 

I lined it with felt I had in my craft closet. 

Little bit of white paint. 

And VOILA!!! New chest for toys, much better than those ugly diaper boxes. 
I will paint the hearts pink inside and add her name to the chest. Otherwise it's ready. I am happy, but what is most important, she loves it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Little Baby Boss Chair (First upholstery)

I am  into little baby things that look like adult stuff, so when I found this chair for sale for $15 I knew its for my Baby Boss.
It was banged up and dirty, I gave it some TLC.
It was a NO SEW upholstery!

My mom sent me the fabric few years ago, so I didn't need to buy it. I had a staple gun and staples, ribbon I bought from a dollar store few months ago. Paint was the one I bought for the china hutch. So cost of this pretty Baby Boss chair $15.

Love it!

Menu for 2 weeks

Here is the menu for 2 weeks.

Coffee (oatmeal if hungry)
Tortillas with eggs and chorizo (I need to check the spelling of that, sorry)
Homemade Philly cheese steaks

Coffee (Homemade bread from day before if hungry)
Leftover from dinner

Eestilaadas (Kinda like Enchiladas but not really, recipe is here)

Coffee and Homemade cinnamon rolls
Homeburgers (Pretty much a warm sammy with ham, eggs, onions and toast)
Rice, meat and brown gravy (All mixed together-yummie)

Coffee (Cereal if hungry)
Eggs with ham and cheese
Homemade pizza*

Oatmeal porridge*
Homemade breadrolls with butter*

Cereal, Coffee*
Dumplings with sour cream (Also known as Pelmeni, google it) other snacks, homemade cinnamon rolls and bread.**
Sori-Mori (Meat and potatoes)

Coffee and cinnamon rolls
Sori-Mori from the day before.
Pasta Alfredo

Coffee and toast
Lunch tortillas (leftover potatoes and meat mixed with eggs and ham)
Potato-bell pepper casserole with ground beef

Coffee (Oatmeal if hungry)
Leftovers from day before
Chilli with beans and rice

Coffee and fresh ham bites
Tortillas with meat and Rotell, cheese.
Potato wedges with stove cooked BBQ meat

Pasta Alfredo casserole

Pancakes and coffee (Brunch, so no actual breakfast)
Fried meat mixed with potatoes and cheese and sour cream, topped with chives

Late breakfast of homemade warm bread and good coffee
Whatever is left made into a meal. Using last grocery store items so they wouldn't go bad.
Probably made into pizza, meatloaf of something else like that.

*Kids are here, cooking for 6 but feeding 4. They eat a lot.
**Cooking and making snacks for us plus few people who are coming over to watch football.

I also have few items that I have not used, these are the things you eat when you don't feel like sticking to the menu. Like from time to time I get a craving for tomato-cucumber salad, so I make it.

I think that actually our grocery bill could be lower if I would do more planning, but I write down the things we certainly need and pretty much walk in the store and buy what we need and what is on sale.
We don't eat that much veggies, we don't like them. Our baby eats plenty for both of us.

I will try to post recipes to few of the meals as soon as I have made these (to include pictures). Homemade Philly Cheese Stakes where so yummie and looked so good I forgot to take pictures.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cheap eating yet having some goodies.

$100 for 2 weeks of food for 3 people +2 rental kids.

I thought it would be a good idea to write down my grocery list and things I buy to feed my family for 2 weeks (Including the weekend when we have 10 and 11 year old here, who eat like there is no tomorrow)
So I do my grocery shopping in Aldi, just because everything is cheaper there. I found ALDI little bit more than a year ago and I'm loving it. The savings are great, I can even say we get about double the food.

The story behind is that we eat home most of the time. There are days when my hubby picks up subs for us or an occasional Chinese food night, but that's about it. Most of the time, I make the food at home.

So here is the list:
Easy melt cheese  (Good for 2-3 meals)
Pretzels (For the kiddos when they are here, one pack lasts about 1,5 months) aka SPLURGE!
24 eggs
2 packs of sliced cheese (Baby loves it and Mister Hubby eats it)
4 pack of regular cheese (On sale for $1.49, will get shredded, good for 8 meals for sure)
1 lunch meat -Turkey ham
2 boxes of butter
2 bags of tortilla chips
1 big can of coffee (it's $5.49 and we consume a lot of coffee, about 3 pots per day if not more)
4 cans of knock off Rotell (.59 cents each)
2 cans of mushrooms
3 cans of sweet peas (Baby loves peas)
4 cans of tomato sauce (.59 cents each)
3 x 5 lbs of flour
2 x 5 lbs of sugar
Brown sugar for baking
Garlic salt, cinnamon (they are .99 cents each)
2 boxes of Penne pasta
1 (big) box of spaghetti
1 big jar of pasta sauce
2 jars of alfredo pasta sauce (Mister Hubby loves it)
5 lbs of rice
10 lbs of potatoes
6 bell peppers (On sale for .99 cents for 3)
2 boxes of meat ($4 each, good for 4 meals)
2 x 5 lbs of ground beef (good for 6 dinners)
6 tomatoes
2 cucumbers (Tomatoes and cucumbers are for me)
Kiwi fruits and pineapple (for the baby and maybe some for me)
Cottage cheese. (for me)

We also bought some things that are not considered groceries: toilet paper, paper towels, dish washing soap, vinegar, baking soda (last two for cleaning), trash bags, diapers, candy for kiddos, few reusable bags and plastic bags (We use these bigger ALDI bags for trash bags in our office trashcans.)

I calculated and we spent on food like $100.

This food is going to last us for 2 weeks for sure. There are also few items I already had in my pantry that are going to be used. Like tortillas, cereal, oatmeal, canned beans, chilli, tomato sauce and paste, yeast, oil, canned corn and other essentials everybody have. Nothing fancy.

Here is the menu for 2 weeks.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Name this little lady!

So I crochet a new doll for little Ruby.
I will post a tutorial when I have 2 hands to type.
At this point I need a name for her.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hello there lady aka Blond turned to pink and blue ombre

So today is Halloween and I decided to do something too. Because I am sooo old fashioned now and wear a bun in my blond hair I decided to be a rebel and dye my hair pink and blue...with chalk!

So I raided the kids bedroom looking for the chalk we got the for last Christmas. Said and done, I had 2 big sticks of chalk, pink and blue. And now I have pink and blue hair, that looks pretty awesome. (I just hope it will come out too)

Here are the instructions:
1. Steal chalk from your kids.
2. Add about cup of warm water and let the chalk sit in it for about 10 minutes.
3. Take a knife and shave the chalk into the cup.
4. Take a small spoon and stir your cup of colored water like you are having 5 o'clock tea.
5. Go to the bathroom and put the colored water in your hair. I did the top first, then dipped my hair straight to the cup.
6. Splash around with colored water like you're 5.
7. Blow dry your hair.
8. Take pictures of yourself like you are a rockstar.
9. Clean up your bathroom (boooooo!!!) It comes off easy with soapy water.
10. The internet says your color should come off in washing, we'll see about that. (Will post an update on that)

Here are some selfloving pictures of my hair.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life on the fast(baby)lane

I have been away. Just because Ruby is about to start walking aka she is all over the place. I am on the run all the time because she is certain when I say NO! it means GO! Also, I am sure she thinks mommy had an affair with Spiderman or something- see, she climbs wall like nobody's business.

The second reason is our internet, sometimes I feel like I have dial up from 1991. It just didn't want to work, so today after cable guy spent 3 hours here it's finally working like it should.

Since my last posting I have finished couple other projects. I made a tray about of a old cabinet door, crochet a octopus for Ruby, finished half of he hallway stencil project and planned 12424 other things I want to do. Also, I have been working hard on my small company. I have a t-shirt company and I am working on few new items (collections) to put out. Being a "one woman band" is not the easiest.  Plus, last weekend our 2 rental kids were here. for some reason they find their way to me when they are bored. So I was teaching my big girl how to crochet and the boy how to draft (make plans) for items he wants to build. We, me and Mr. Hubby worked really hard to get them to play outside for a little bit. Noup, didn't work until we went out with them and played football (I am the best wide receiver)  and soccer. What is with kids now days??? it's like they are afraid of fresh air.

So this would be the place where I enter a witty joke or something but to be honest, I am waaaay to tired for it. And all I see is more work that needs to get done. So I'll get to Photoshoping and working on cool items.

BTW, anybody have any tips how to write or where to start writing a design patent???

Until the next post and virtual high fives,

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Economically downsized walled syndrome? Yea right!!!

The past years have been pretty hard on everybody and somehow we have made it. I call myself a pro poor person. I am not afraid to say I am poor, things happen in life and sometimes things just go wrong but there is always a way to make it and the most important part is that there is always tomorrow, and it's going to be better tomorrow.

After looking up info online when our hard times began (after my husband lost his job) there was all this info but I couldn't do any of those. Buy in bulk- how the hell if I don't have money to pay even for half of the bulk item price??? Clip coupons from Sunday paper- not going to work out, this $2 that the newspaper cost is my bread money! The things listed were just not working for us, we were too poor to "save money" and live poor.

So here are listed things I do/did:

1. Home cooking.
After moving to USA I told my husband I won't be eating out all the times anyways. But the cost of food got more and more expensive and then we were in a situation that we had to cook at home. We could not buy bulk, so we started eating things that kept us full longer, were cheap to make and lasted more than 1 mealtime. Potatoes-meat, spaghetti, macaroni, ramen soup and other things. Over time I will try to add few recipes.

2. Cut out "luxury food"
We didn't have steak for almost 5 years. We changed cheese to the weird imitation thing. We stopped buying whole bean coffee and bought the cheapest coffee ($2 for a big can) that tasted awful (added a little cinnamon to make it drinkable). We couldn't really afford meat, so we bought ground beef and chorizos. Lunch meat (ham) was out of the budget for the longest time, we just had warm cheese sammys. Fruit (I love fruits and that's all I would eat if I could) was a luxury and only when it was on sale.

3. We buy store brands. 
We are not the brand name kind of people anyways so this was an easy thing to do. If you take a look on the label a lot of the things are actually made at the same place. (I just checked the baby formula- price difference is huge, yet I get 2,5 cans of formula for the price of one name brand. I buy 25.75 oz can of soy formula for $10.99)

4. We split bigger packs of items.
When there was something we needed, yet it was too big/expensive for us to buy we  split it with our friends.

5. Laundry is done once a week. 
I do all of my laundry, no dry cleaning. And what I do, I always do a full load, never ever will I put a half full load in. It's waste of money, waste of electricity and water. I do use a dryer, but only a little bit. I use the dryer until the clothes are just damp and then I lay them out to dry. It saves money!

6. Living (apartment, house and/or other)
When things got really-really bad we needed to swallow our pride and find a way out. It's better to do that than to have a broken lease on your credit that doesn't allow you to rent anything later on. We spoke with the manager of the apartment complex we lived in and explained the situation. We changed from a big apartment to a smaller one until our lease was up and then left. Apartment complexes rather take less money from you than have a broken lease and loss of money when you just move out. Also, shop for deals. Apartments have ridiculous deals, our street had a construction on and we negotiated an extra discount because of it. We did stay with relatives for a little bit. It was hard, but there was no way out.

7. Smoking 
Smoking is one of the most expensive luxuries and like for many people, it's the only thing you might enjoy during the hard times. But it adds up to aaaaaaaaaalot of money. So instead of spending $6 a day, that comes to $180 a month, I started smoking electric ciggys. Not the super expensive kind that you have to buy for $150 plus the refills. I looked around, found one for $15, with refills for $7. I went from spending $180 a month to $36 a month the first month and then max of $21 a months later on. My Mister Hubby has been smoking cigars for the longest time, spending money of them and when we had money it was ok, it was his thing. So when we were out of money he had to make changes too. He bought very cheap cigars and smoked them in a pipe. The money spent on cigars went from $9000 a year to $300 ( YES, he spent that much on cigars)

8. Furniture 
We had fancy-pantsy stuff, not some French super duper designer things but nice quality items. So we sold the things we had, used the money to buy less expensive things and saved the so called profit. We didn't have anything we didn't need. Bed??? Well, we had foam mattress for a year and we slept on the floor. This worked out. Dining table? Who really uses it, people usually eat in front of the TV so why keep it. Now, we don't buy anything new, all used furniture and we actually rarely buy something. There is always a way to get things for free.

9. Free items 
As I mentioned there is always a way to get free or almost free items. We have 2 couches and a ottoman, all free. Our bed now, mattress and rails was given to us by someone who didn't need it. Most of the things in our house are free or almost free. We occasionally went to our local recycle center, they have this great thing called ReUse Store, where people drop off things that other people can still use. We got several things from there, including a TV. It's not the newest big screen thing that does everything but it has totally ok picture, it works and well, it was free. Craigslist has a free section. I visit it ALL the time! So many things there that someone doesn't want but you can use. Bulk trash day! It's like Christmas for poor people. It doesn't hurt anybody, the people who threw it out don't need it so why not get it. Many times I have asked nicely would they mind if I take something, nobody has said NO. Most of the people are happy they get rid of the junk.

10. Cell phone
Do you really need that iPhone that does everything? No, not really! If you are unemployed and need to look for a job, your iPhone (or other fancy phone) won't get you the job. You need the basic plan that receives calls, that's it. So sell your phone and get a prepaid phone. Your cell phone bill is app. 100 bucks a month, and you receive calls, well, $25 plan does the same thing. Want a touch phone...hahaha. you have to touch the keys on that simple phone too, so just think it's your TOUCH phone and the smartphone part... well, you got a brain, right? Me and Mister Hubby spent about $300 on cell phones, then we decided, well one phone is fine and we spent just 25 a month.

11. Phone, internet and cable. 
Now-days everybody needs Internet, it's the way stay connected, look for a job and do other things. So rather than spending 250 on a bundle get a HotSpot or something like that. Cable shows are on the internet before the air on the TV, or the re-runs on the Internet, you can watch all the shows with out paying the super high cost of cable. Phone, you don't really need a land line if you have a cell phone. Or if you need another number, use Google Voice or get a MagicJack. We went from spending 250 a month to 24 a month.

12. Coupons
I do use them, but I don't buy Sunday paper. See, I am not the TLC kind of crazy coupon lady and lets be honest, I haven't had the money to buy 5 to get 1 free. So what I have done, is print the coupons online. I use the coupon for deodorant, razors, panty liners and other products like that. There has been this great coupon for Carefree panty liners, a dollar off, the price for the pack is 98 cents, so every time I go to the store to get stuff like that I check for that coupon.

13. Make up and beauty products
Everybody wants to feel pretty but do you really need makeup when you are at home, alone, not leaving the house...Noups! Save money and give your face a break. I use Petroleum jelly as moisturizer (works wonders), I use hair conditioner as shaving cream, I use brown sugar, lemon juice and oil as face scrub, used coffee to scrub my body. There are so many cheaper alternatives than the $30 mini jar of face cream.

14. Cleaning supplies
Homemade cleaning supplies ROCK! The saving are amazing. If you browse the internet you find so many recipes. I use vinegar to clean windows, baking soda to scrub, good old bleach for toilets. I don't need those cute looking scrubbing bubbles but elbow grease and good old common sense.

15. Planning, planning, planning and cutting back. 
I plan ahead. I do my best to plan ahead. We had to use all of our savings but even though our life was hard the world did not stop turning. So, we plan ahead as much as we can. Meal planning, grocery list, coupons all these things save your money. We plan ahead for the bigger expenses and try to follow the plan. If we can't we look around us to find a solution. Cutting back on things we don't need.

These are 15 little notes I have done over the past 5 years. I am sorry if I insulted someone by calling this a POOR PEOPLE PLAN but lets be honest, what else you call it? Economically downsized walled syndrome? Yea right!!!
I hope somebody who is sitting in the living room, thinking what is going to happen because everything is wrong finds this post and finds little bit of hope.
Hard times are hard...You need you find your way of doing things.
But remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of you being strong and fighting.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
                                                                                                                Albert Einstein

China hutch re-do

After few nights of work I have my china hutch ready, all set up, sitting just the way I wanted!

Here is the before picture

Here it is now

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One project at a time

I simply cant do it. I have about 8 going on now, plus my little Ruby refuses to sleep. She usually goes to bed at 8, past week she just won't and wakes up every hour or so just imagine what I look like, Miss Universe, cause im up with her and when she naps I have 123433 other things to do. So, i look like a panda bear with a hangover.

So, I have been working on my china hutch, the bottom is ready and has few things in it already. I'm thrilled to have more storage aka more things to organize! 

I started and actually finished a side project, a HOME sign for the dining area. Cost of making it was again, big fat zero. I used old cardboard (there are still few moving boxes in our garage) ugly blue superfat yarn and 97 cent black spray paint I had. 

Mommy's little helper

E as eager to get it done! Closeup on the prepainted letters. 

I couldn't wait so I painted the H before the others. Looks awesome. Hope it looks awesome when it's up on the wall... *fingers crossed*

I also started on another project I should have waited on. So, the other day at HD I kinda found my way to discounted things (paints and mistinted things) (btw, found my way- hahahaha!) I saw this Martha Steward Specialty paint on sale. Small jar, usually 7 bucks discounted for $1.30. I had seen it before too, it was 3 bucks or something then. So a dollar for a paint I could not pass it by. I thought I will find a project I can use this for. I got 4 jars. So here is the project I started, using this paint

It is pretty awesome because it gives texture, i love it. Of course Mister Hubby thinks that its very 70's but....ou well! I love this, my trip to Egypt about 5 years ago has a big influence on it. I love all the rugs, clay structures, caves carved into temples, big and grand things. Might be that I lived there in my past life???
Anyways, I am trying to get this done as soon as I can. But my time is very limited on it and considering Ruby's sleeping pattern now, I think I might get it done by September 2045.

I made a stencil out of old cardboard, drew it n the walls and went over it with paint. I do have a oopsi-poo-poo there too, but it doesn't show.  I did find out that out doorway is crooked there, that's why my pattern is a little Pisa leaning towerish... ou well, can't do everything perfect right???

I started thinking about the stencil thing and I was pricing them out online, they were way out of my price range so I thought, why not use plastic place mat? Print out the design you want, tape it to the back of the place mat use your skills with a sharp knife and VOILA!!! I think I just earned a high five from myself. 
I will try it and let you know does it work. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sweet deal

The other day people next door to us had a garage sale. I went and bought about 20 bucks worth of stuff, knick-knacks I totally don't need, but what I want to talk about is the $1 sweet deal I got.

I bought a desk, i think its called a secretary or a roll top, anyways it's silly sweet. It does have a broken leg I need to doctor it up and it needs a face lift but that's what I love. Here is a picture of it.
broken leg on the side, but there is nothing liquid nails, few screws and a lot of willpower can't do. 
I loooooooove it so much, I have no idea where to put it, but i will find a spot. I will keep you updated of her leg surgery and face lift.

Here is a picture of a desk and chair I got for Ruby. She is way too young for it, but the deal way way too good. They had it priced at $50 on a Saturday, $25 on a Sunday and they were ready to close up their garage sale, so I got this for 12 dollars. I love it.
I will probably make it little more girly for her. But I have time for that. BTW, the top comes off and you can turn it around and stand it up, there is a blackboard on the other side. And a drawer underneath.

Ou I love a good deal...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I scored a china hutch!!!

After looking around for a china hutch I finally found one.
I thought I would spend max of $50 on it, so I was looking and looking but nothing caught my eye. So the other day I was on Craigslist again and found one, I had Mister Hubby call the dude and he wanted $30 on it. It wasn't that good and th dude was a little weird, plus he had a weird day- didn't feel like driving to get it. So we had to pass on it. I was crushed, until the next day.

I found one listed, e-mailed the guy to ask the price and it was FREE!!
I had Mister Hubby come home from work and take me there to pick it up. Awesome, it needs some work, but was free!

I have been working on it a little. Cut my finger open today when we tried to take it inside. Mental note: Don't put your fingers everywhere. And wearing a white dress when you have a 8 month old and a split open finger- BAD IDEA!

The top part of the china hutch aka hutch. LOL

This bandaid lasted for about 15 min...

Chalkboard paint goes a loooong way

So wondering around my favorite site, Pinterest, I have seen so many things I want to do. So after the move I was just going over the plans in my head, looking what I have to decorate my home and stumbled on some leftover paint.
So I have (well, Mister Hubby has) these ugly pictures (some ex had bought), they were in our livingrooms for the longest time. I have never liked them, but just not to have the wall totally bare, I have hung them, just to fill the space, no more.
Thanks to Ruby going to sleep early, leftover paint sitting in the corner and a lot of hate towards the ugliness of the pictures I now have these fabulous chalkboards for my dining area.
This is the picture of one of them before.(I had one huge one, 2 smaller ones and one other odd picture)
Meet the ugliness

Now in the other hand I have kick ass chalkboards in the dining area. Here are few pictures Mister Hubby took while I was already writing this. Its almost midnight to the lights are not that kick a$$. Sowwy....

 I also made one for us that has white paint on that says: "I love you because..." We change the because part there every day! It's awesome, makes you fall in love over and over. 

Mister Hubby stole it the other day and hid it for me to is what I found. 

*no babies were harmed while taking this picture, not even her body doubles and other stunt babies* 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dining table

Meet my awesome dining table who is all alone in the dining room because no good mates (chairs) have come along.
I think this table looks awesome, and it's just what I wanted.
Here is a picture what it looked like before
And half way done

COST: $0
Got the table for free off Craigslist, I had the chalkboard paint that is on the top and the white paint was in the garage. I just love things like that.
Mission "HOME" money left: $1000.00

I will post the picture of the table all the way done when I post my whole dining room. At the moment it is covered with about 20 lbs of candy my parents sent us from the great motherland!